PM Development

At ProjExc we will start to help your organisation to develop its Project Management Capability with a systems review or capability assessment, finding what’s right for your business, rather than forcing you into prescriptive ways.

We look at the components of our proven capability development model- tools, processes and people. The review report will highlight identified ‘quick wins’, and longer term development targets.

Capability Development Model
Ensuring success with the right techniques, attitudes and behaviours.

Using the recommendations from the report, you will be able to successfully progress through appropriate methodology selection, process development & tailoring, together with suitable project management tool identification and implementation.

This works hand-in-hand with our effective development of the relevant people in your organisation through an appropriate mix of competence assessment, and structured competence development using facilitated team development. We can mix workshops, training events, e-learning and individual development & coaching, all with measured results.

Our holistic approach to developing your project management people is not limited to the “harder” core PM competence. We prefer to blend in “softer” people & behavioural skills such as leadership, motivation and relationship management.

We often find that clients engage us at specific stages in the project lifecycle:

Pre-Project – often you need to win project approval. We can help you pull together a credible bid or proposal backed up with solid project management content.

Project Initiation or Planning – when a project is just so business critical that it must be right first time. ProjExc have specific products for kick-starting important projects.

During Execution – when some early warnings are indicating deviation from plan. Again we have specific products for improving live project performance – usually this involves reacting to “plug a gap” at the same time as pro-acting to get things back on track for the remainder of the project.

Project Review – sometimes it is beneficial to have ProjExc independently facilitate a review of how the project went and identify lessons learnt. We provide objective data for continuous improvement.

Learn more about the specific ProjExc services for developing your project management capability, or contact us today for a free and confidential discussion about developing your capability.  You can call us on 0121 222 5744, send an email or reach out on Twitter @ProjExc.